If you want your dog to have hair that’s longer than an this. You will have to come in every month or for sure, no longer than every 2 months. In the
grooming world, we have a sang“ comfort over Vainly” this means if your dog is mated in more than a few spots or the mat is to close to the skin. Than
your groomer will be forced to make your dog look like the first photo every time. I will not force your
dog to deal with the pain of de-matting. If the hair that bad and do try to do it, the fur will re-mat very quickly,. making it pointless for you to ask the groomer to torture your dog, just because you didn’t get in sooner. Below are videos of the common thing’s we groomers see, matting/brushing mistake/ and lastly washing and home bathing.  

why you shouldn’t bath your pets at home.

Yes i gave you all the brushes you should be using, but whatever you do!! do not wash your dog at home, if there is already matting ! like the dog in these video’s. this dog was washed many times by owner, and they were hoping washing the dog was going to help with the matting. very little did they know, it wasn’t going to work. Anything that is already matted, will only cause you problems and ton of pain for your pet. washing a dog that already has mat’s, will cause those mat’s to get closer and closers to the dogs skin. When this happens you are hurting your dog, every time you pet it or you let it walk around. yes the owners in these videos, did end up coming to the groomers, but dog had to deal with lots of pain, from pulling on that matted fur, from the groomer pulling the clippers through the matted hair, Some time’s, we aren’t able to get through the hair at all, This freaks us grooms out big  time. WE could cut your dog, just trying to get the hair off of it’s body. there is no magic shampoo or conditioner, to fix mats that have already been in-packed in to the dog skin. The only human thing to do, is to shave it short and start over. To avoids everyone worries and concerns, Please don’t wash your pets at home, if you want long hair. just come to me and i promise i’m not trying to Nickle and dim you out of your money. there is a really good reason to why it’s importation to pick the right type of hair lengthen for your pets life style. You either come in ever 5 weeks and let me wash and fluff. or you shave short and come in every three to 4 months and get the dirty shave down. IF you ever wounder why your groomer charged you more for a full shave down, it because your dog became a liability the moment the groomer had to use a short blade, so close to your dogs skin. We don’t like to cut dogs skin, but the shorter the blade, the most likely it can happen. Groomers also like to believe that if we charge you more for a shaved down, than that will motivate you to come in more often, so your dog doesn’t look like a hairless mole rat.