what you should buy if you want your dog
to have long hair and not get the dirty
shave down at the groomers.

In this pamphlet i will be going over what brush, spray’s, and time items of when you should be doing
with your pets in-between going to the groomers. Key things to know about brushing your dog before
you even start with any of these brushes. Please look through the videos I provided and learn how to
properly use these brushes in order to make sure your dog does not learn to hate the brush. It’s very
easy to over brush the dog with any of these brushes. If you end up getting your dog to hate the
brush because you over brush them and caused brush burn. It will be time for you, the owner to make
the hard decision to not allow your dog to have long hair. We want the experience that your dog has
at the groomers, to be a positive, every time.

This brush can be used for everyday. Will still need some type of de-matting brush.  This is the cheaper option out of all the brushes.
This is your most expressive option, this 1 brush is $75. but give you the power of de-matting and fluffing. so you don’t have a buy a blue de-mating, if you pick this 1 first
This is strictly used for bad matting, on any part of the body. this 1 brush will get rid of large matting areas.
This 1 is used for small matting. such as behind ears and tail.
Can use this before brushing and will help with matting and make hair stick up and be fluffly
this can get used afterfull bush, to make sure there is no matting. no need to buy a comb if you buy this instead. more expressive option. but covers more area, so you aren’t having to work really hard.